2022 CV

I'm an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Interactive Media & Game Development program at WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute).
I'm an Associate Co-Editor (alongside Dr. Sonia Fizek) of the Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds
My research focuses on walking simulators, immersive performance and escape rooms, indie games, critical play, postcolonialism and queerness in gaming, and mechropolitics and death studies.
My work has been published in Game Studies, Gamevironments, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, German Quarterly, Opera Quarterly, and popular outlets like The Guardian and Sidequest.
Stuart Moulthrop
Distinguished Professor of English
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“This landmark study explains the roots and implications of computer games that move beyond combat and simple agon. With revealing insights into narratology, art, and intellectual history, Kagen opens promising new paths for technological humanism.”
Dr. Eben Muse
Bangor University. Co-Editor of Creating Second Lives
“In energetic and articulate prose, Kagen applies spatial and cultural studies to investigate discourses on death, work, colonialism and gender in the exploratory, nonviolent and playful landscapes of wandering games.”
Alenda Y. Chang
Associate Professor at UCSB
Author of Playing Nature: Ecology in Video Games
Co-Editor of Media + Environmen
“Beautifully conceived and written, Wandering Games maps the many ways we measure ourselves against the worlds of games. Kagen brings to life the pleasures and subversive potential of traveling without a destination.”